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What We Do

Home Repair & Care Training Center

Improving the quality of life in Southeast Ohio by providing home repair and care training opportunities for residents in our community.

Our hands-on workshops will cover 9 different topics around essential home repair and care over a 10 week period.

Each workshop will be held on Tuesday with 2 time slots available, 1pm & 6pm. They will be 90 minutes long and cost $30. To see the workshop descriptions and to register see the calendar below.

If you would like to sponsor or volunteer to help with the Home Repair & Care Training Center, please contact Molly.

Molly Blair
Training Center Coordinator

740-592-0032 Ext. 111

14440 St. Rt. 13 
Millfield, Ohio 45761



Taste of Southeast Ohio

Thursday, October 10, 2019
5:30 pm9:30 pm
Poston Manor and Event Barn

Tickets for Sale: $45 each follow the link if you would like to purchase, and then choose make a donation.

After purchase email Caitlyn Moritz at

Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio is proud to announce that we are gearing up for the 8th annual Taste of Southeast Ohio!

The Taste of Southeast Ohio showcases the best local cuisines Southeast Ohio has to offer. Multiple chefs will gather from around the area to highlight their flairs in the kitchen through the presentation of some of their most delicious creations. Local Breweries and Wineries will also be featured at this year’s event! So, come join us this year for a true “Taste of Southeast Ohio” as we showcase all that our amazing communities have to offer.

Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio has secured some unique items for the live and silent auctions that you will not want to miss!