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Build Your Own Home



Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio empowers people who qualify to build and buy their own homes. The Build Your Own Home Program requires “sweat equity” (250 hours for one adult member and 500 hours for a household with 2 or more adults), the completion of a series of educational classes, a down payment of $1,000.00, and monthly mortgage payments on a zero interest home loan.

Are you ready for Homeownership with Habitat?

  • Your current housing is sub-standard (run-down, defective, or unsafe) OR
  • Your current living conditions are overcrowded OR
  • You are in temporary or transitional housing or you are homeless OR
  • Your current neighborhood is unsafe OR
  • More than 50% of your monthly income is spent on housing OR
  • You currently have a housing choice voucher (Section 8)
  • Will you be able to contribute 250 sweat equity hours for a one person household or 500 hours (250 each) for a household with 2 or more adults towards the construction of your home, at the ReStore, and at other events?
  • Will you be able to attend educational classes and meetings in Athens County?

Fairfield County Income Guidelines

Family Size Yearly Gross Income (before taxes)
One (1) $21,712 - $43,425
Two (2) $24,806 - $49,612
Three (3) $27,900 - $55,800
Four (4) $30,994 - $61,987
Five (5) $33,487 - $66,975
Six (6) $35,962 - $71,925

All Other County Income Guidelines

Family Size Yearly Gross Income (before taxes)
One (1) $16,800 - $33,600
Two (2) $19,200 - $38,400
Three (3) $21,600 - $43,200
Four (4) $24,000 - $48,000
Five (5) $25,931 - $51,862
Six (6) $27,844 - $55,687